Dying, Vile and Verbose
Junk Speak
Henry the huckster — eyes wide open running a hundred miles a hour into the freak show, eyes wide open.
a spinal tap was attached to his neck, downward, numb.
The Brewing Yuk Factor
sucks, but here it is—
Henry’s in bed, listening to Freddie King on a colored radio station somewhere in Georgia— slow-moving Texas blues, sweet and blue as rainfall.
On the fast track again— writing to get out of himself in busted-up form, a splash of color, and a crapshoot.
He’s lazy, writing’s a dull itch needing to be scratched.
Henry didn’t like people. In the old days the pikers knew their place at the gaming table, today anybody with an ache and a blog is a superstar— way too much self, self, and more self, everywhere.
Andy Warhol, the crimson prophet of the brewing yuk-factor.
Everybody will have fifteen minutes of fame.
There's a line of faceless yuks hanging around the block of 231 East 47th Street tripping over one another like spawning Mackerels with hard-ons for fifteen minutes of fame.
Review of Exile on Mainstreet
The Rolling Stones looked for studios in Paris and couldn’t find any they liked. They had a truck that was equipped with a studio that could be parked by any theater or empty loft.
Steam Rolling Through Life
Angel Headed Hipsters
It Did His Pain In
Making it Rain
Maybe another candy bar would jump-start Henry, more coffee he thought. Coffee and candy for breakfast.
In Wah Wah Coffee Shop, Muddy Waters on the box, Henry particularly loved “King Bee” and “I’m Ready,” the stuff Muddy did with Johnny Winters. Muddy a heart as big as a deer, the King Buddha of the universe, waves of love flowing outward from his heart.
In the old days Henry figured Muddy could make it rain—It was the stuff of Orgone Energy, Wilhelm Reich, orgasm sex rays rising into the heavens, spreading universal love, making it rain.
Henry mad or high enough to believe he could make it rain in those days.
Henry’s mind—then and now, A queer world, a roller coaster ride, the past forgotten as a matter of psychic survival, ZEN>
Henry's dream— to be known as a poet and writer some, to ramble through the USA and read in coffee shops and bars, to make it rain for folks.
Henry and Muddy Waters could make it rain alright.
The Edge or Something
When Charles Bukowski was asked how he got through life? He said, “ One candy bar at a time…” Buk funny in a dark way, a horrific humorist, the wino spinning out modern Twainisms .
Henry almost awake, slumped in his chair. At Wah Wah Coffee Shop early enough to get a good chair and to be left alone.
The world is full of everything you can imagine and Henry wanted none of it, he had enough, he didn’t need anymore—
Aside: Henry often pricked himself with a needle to provoke feeling.
There was nothing new under the sun— There was technological innovation to boot— A new robot, a new gun, a robot with a gun, flying monkey robots with guns that carry computers— Onward and out, then forward until they crash. All the rarified metal and plastic junk ending up in a non degradable dusty-dung heap.
Two more paragraphs lets keep it cool. When it came to his stories Henry a whore who couldn’t give it away. He would do anything for attention, it was shameful.
Burnt out, wanting to end it here, wanting to get to the essence of it quickly, so here it is the ultimate lazy man's ending, a quote.
“THE EDGE, there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.”
Hunter S. Thompson
“Ars est Celare Artem”
Over the last couple of weeks Henry wondering, mulling over the “why” of writing. His work short of august, not getting there, Henry a voice in the crowd not heard, apolitical to boot.
Henry at Wa Wa Coffee Shop... thinking, wondering if the great writers had a burning passion to get the word out.
Hemingway looking at a blank page, giving up and offing himself, his writing kept him going like junk, when it died he died.
Henry out of juice too, dragging the g-d damn thing around like a fat wife or herpes.
He knew what it was to be powerless over something and to live in pain, it was the kind of stuff that accompanied you in old age, like a shadow you couldn’t shake, or that fat wife with herpes.
Henry wanted to get a story out, always the same, g-d knows why? The junk's itch, an irritation that had to be scratched and dealt with from time to time.
Take the award winners, the lionized and lauded, Henry secretly hating them — jealous and envious.
Henry beyond having had enough of it, beyond not caring about it, between the cracks somewhere, only occasionally coming up for air and not liking what he saw.
Wondering if you could call his stories, “Stories”? It wasn’t story telling, more a process of waste management.
The biggest service Henry could do for his readers was to keep it short and sweet.
“Ars est celare artem”
True art is to conceal art— and so it goes, maybe Henry was on to something after all.
Brigitte Bardot Where Are You?
Henry on top of his typewriter, caressing it some, at it again, not wanting to write, pushing himself to do it. In a vacuum writing story after story with no feedback. Having a good wank and talking to himself that’s all it was, it was pathetic, why bother?
Maybe if Henry straightened up some, it would be easier to write.
Lately obsessed with Bridget Bardot, she was pure light for Henry, legs spread, lovely bush airing out, eternally innocent, the French angel flying high over Paris in the sky spreading, wings wide open too.
Henry particularly loved her first film, “Manina, the Girl in the Bikini.” Young Calve the hero and adventurer kissing Bardot by the sea. Henry imaging it was him who was kissing her, her young mouth, what it tasted like, feeling the warm fluids inside the mouth, it was an easy kiss for Henry.
In Wah Wah Coffee Shop, Roy Buchanan on You Tube, Roy a strange bird playing the guitar in strange ways unheard of by man. His work diverse, songs tailored to fit new sounds discovered and invented on his guitar.
Life offering nothing new for Henry, it was as though he was locked into it, a lousy, stinking pattern, not for him at all, oh well and anyways, it was overwhelming.
The French painter Modigliani, absolutely nothing to live for, painting in a vacuum, great stuff … nobody cared. In the end, drunk and stoned on the street selling sketches nobody wanted for five francs, later found dead on the street.
Modigliani’s life proved that people in the mainstream are--- stiff in a vacuum occasionally peering out at the world---
Henry speaking to you from his heart he had nothing to hide, Brigitte Bardot where are you?
Green Chains
Henry looking at a blank page early Sunday morning at Wah Wah coffee shop. The same paltry fat chick, same place everyday, first to get the newspaper, sitting on it so no one else could read it. It was the little stuff that chafed him.
The day hot as hell, Henry barefoot on asphalt in Devils’ Square making mental reverence to German soldiers frying eggs on the decks of their tanks in the Sahara, wondering if he could fry up an omelet on Devils’ Square asphalt?
Waiting for the fat chick to surrender the newspaper, fat chance, hoping she would drop dead soon, visualizing it.
Later Henry stuffing his nose full of high octane Bolivian Cocaine, needing the inspiration here, plugging in the jute box, listening to “Rocks Off” by the Rolling Stones and later Roy Buchanan. Trying to get his mind off the woeful and onto the higher stuff.
Out of dire need Henry aligning himself with great poets.
“Oh as I was young and easy in the mercy of his means,
Time held me green and dying
Though I sang in my chains like the sea. “
From “Fern Hill” by Dylan Thomas…
Life a prison for him and many, toiling in green chains…
Henry at the end of the grand experiment too, his green chains wilting and turning brown, wanting to say something.
Cooleridge on a Bucking Bronco
Henry walking the hallways and alleyways of his mind, he could see their faces, babyish youth. At first sweet and innocent, later on with a hankering to rip things up, he could see them, their faces painted white against the back drop of the night time arcade, resolute not knowing, cooking up something dreadful.
Henry lazy, fazed and fantasying. Dreams and art were inseparable, it had been that way for hundreds of years, maybe thousands. Pipe dreamers smoking opium, Samuel Coleridge writing on the iffy nature of soul.
“The body, Eternal Shadow of the finite Soul, The Soul's self-symbol, its image of itself. Its own yet not itself—“
Writing addictive like opium, addictive for Coleridge, the William Burroughs of Romantic Poets, allot of folks using dope to make fresh art. Dope and art inseparable.
Henry ruminating later in Wah Wah coffee shop about a recurring dream of the Old City in Jerusalem, a city of his design through the mind’s eye, flowing and circular, the yellow break road with danger in the creases, chased by hell hounds and Nazi headhunters.
At Wah Wah another day Henry wanting to wrap this story up. He was without inspiration and had nothing to say, just needing a little filler here, a couple more paragraphs.
He couldn’t be bothered much with people anymore, most people talking shit, even scientist and doctors. Politicians full of shit for sure, there was a major disconnect between what they said and what was going on.
In the end—LIFE— a bucking bronco ride we hold on too with hammer and tongs till the ride was over, some let go and fall off into the Heavens.
Henry wondering how much longer he could hold on?
Henry Itching
Blasted, writing like a fire ball, crashing with head empty, the power came and went, it never asked you if it should, you had to reach out for it.
It was a difficult mix, getting blasted, measuring out just enough to make it (writing) easy. Henry could write best on reefer, his worse stuff was “Drunk writing”.
The great ones just had it, working hard, born to do it. Henry was the laziest writing under the sun. Sadly it got down to doing it because he had to, an addiction, not a higher calling for him.
Writing alone wasn’t fun, reading your stuff at coffee shops and in bars would be great fun. It was Henry’s dream to tour the USA and read his stuff to small crowds.
At times a feeling would well up inside of him, the feeling like a whore house on Saturday night, it was as though the order that held the world together was eroding. It was a great feeling like a world wide party, like anything was possible. It was a feeling of full blown self love, as though the shadows of past failure and self doubt melted away.
Henry in old age on automatic pilot, no more psychic lessons to learn, soul waiting for what came next. Maybe the ones who died young had to come back and do it again? Henry finished, just waiting.
The internet was the biggest diversion of the century. Think of the work hours lost to social media. Henry would rather dick around on the net than write. It must have been different for your Hemingways, Dos Passos and Henry Millers, they, dedicated to their craft.
Henry would rather be somewhere else than where he was, always itching.
Fat Chance Henry
Henry didn’t want anything in or out of the world, having to siphon every bit of fire to get through the day took most of his energy.
Besides the usual, the spirit drip-drip stuff, he had a dose of the Chinese Virus to boot, like a hurricane in the tubes, more powerful than a speeding anti-biotic.
Sometimes between dreams he rose above decaying physicality, seeing with clarity, dancers in his head filling the joints of brick-work to a better day, mind breaking-lose, free for awhile.
Dreams for Henry better than real life. His dream-machine, psyche and libido caressing the inside stuff. Waking a let down ending sadly with an understanding— real life never as good as dreams.
In Wah Wah coffee shop watching old men drink coffee, gray as print on a newspaper, prune-faced. Henry old too but, his mind was a whore-house, potty and zealous, digging it, life's a boon. The grey-haired and prune-faced fucks bored the living shit out of him.
Old artist rocking on into old age, the Bukowskis and William Burroughs turning old age in for kicks, riding the bucking bronco, juiced to the moon, Henry loved these guys.
The Rolling Stones playin on colored-radio somewhere near Memphis. Henry heaping on some fine cocaine, his nose full of the stuff. Keef Richards spinning rainbows on a banjo, fuck a star, a drink in Arizona, down and out in West Virginia, you get what you need.
Back at Wah Wah coffee shop another day, Henry wanting to wrap this up, there wasn't much left inside, his work lacking, a recurring pain, writing for what and who knows why?
A rank affair looking for an exit, a way out, getting worse not better.
Of course he would like to think that his shit was great art, ha, fat chance Henry.