Easy Boulevard
A Peculiar Vision
He liked photographers that were on the lip of it, the ones that had a freakish and peculiar vision to share.
Folks like Diane Arbus, Robert Maplethorpe, William Eggleston, Robert Frank and Man Ray to name a few.
Robert Frank and other peerless photographers gave a wide birth to day to day parallel strata like it was a rampaging Rhino.
Henry loved the part of all art that didn't conform.
Writing is It's Own Reward
Henry Junked on Beer
It was months between stories, Henry lazy, uninspired.
The other day a fan of his work, John May, sent him a SMS on Facebook. John said he loved Henry’s stuff—John loved all the real stuff out there—Bukowski, Hunter Thompson, William Burroughs.
Bukowski saying—
Writing was music and melody, splashing paint on paper, it got easier.
Fools Paradise
Blind with clear vision, junked up, in the gut of the volcano.
Rattling the bones of collective soul, upward and out, going to Mars.
Mars silent, still and empty for a million years. A nice place to go.
Henry's Dream & a Song
Was life losing its thrill value in the age of social media?
In the final count—Henry wasn’t “ Back “ he was ”Never there”. None of it was his, he never wanted it anyway. The others, the big folks, the ones who wanted it disparately could have Henry’s share.
My Work is Awful
The Reverend T. Lawrence Shannon, in exile, pursued by a Lolita, breaking down in Mexico, outside of Mexico City, on the bay somewhere.
Henry didn't care for Lolita's he preferred beautiful middle aged women.
Henry loved the Little Walters, Dylan Thomas's, Jack Kerouacs, William S. Burroughs, and the Hunter S. Thompsons of the world.
There were more than a few on the list, they were super heroes, all dead of course; including, Charles Bukowski, James Carver, Francis Bacon and Ernie Banks, true champions of the the poetic, paintin, blues and sports world, a lengthy list.
Henry, hardly the best, surreal, just a touch, fragrance of dried flowers and incense, great ganja, vagina everywhere, Henry loved it all.
A lot of folks loved Henry’s stuff, an elite few, the high rollers and king pins.
The Soul Maggot
I don’t give a shit!
I don't give a shit! was the salt of the earth, the armor the dreaded soul maggot couldn't penetrate.
Dying, Vile and Verbose
Junk Speak
Henry the huckster — eyes wide open running a hundred miles a hour into the freak show, eyes wide open.
a spinal tap was attached to his neck, downward, numb.
The Brewing Yuk Factor
sucks, but here it is—
Henry’s in bed, listening to Freddie King on a colored radio station somewhere in Georgia— slow-moving Texas blues, sweet and blue as rainfall.
On the fast track again— writing to get out of himself in busted-up form, a splash of color, and a crapshoot.
He’s lazy, writing’s a dull itch needing to be scratched.
Henry didn’t like people. In the old days the pikers knew their place at the gaming table, today anybody with an ache and a blog is a superstar— way too much self, self, and more self, everywhere.
Andy Warhol, the crimson prophet of the brewing yuk-factor.
Everybody will have fifteen minutes of fame.
There's a line of faceless yuks hanging around the block of 231 East 47th Street tripping over one another like spawning Mackerels with hard-ons for fifteen minutes of fame.
Review of Exile on Mainstreet
The Rolling Stones looked for studios in Paris and couldn’t find any they liked. They had a truck that was equipped with a studio that could be parked by any theater or empty loft.
Steam Rolling Through Life
Angel Headed Hipsters
It Did His Pain In
Making it Rain
Maybe another candy bar would jump-start Henry, more coffee he thought. Coffee and candy for breakfast.
In Wah Wah Coffee Shop, Muddy Waters on the box, Henry particularly loved “King Bee” and “I’m Ready,” the stuff Muddy did with Johnny Winters. Muddy a heart as big as a deer, the King Buddha of the universe, waves of love flowing outward from his heart.
In the old days Henry figured Muddy could make it rain—It was the stuff of Orgone Energy, Wilhelm Reich, orgasm sex rays rising into the heavens, spreading universal love, making it rain.
Henry mad or high enough to believe he could make it rain in those days.
Henry’s mind—then and now, A queer world, a roller coaster ride, the past forgotten as a matter of psychic survival, ZEN>
Henry's dream— to be known as a poet and writer some, to ramble through the USA and read in coffee shops and bars, to make it rain for folks.
Henry and Muddy Waters could make it rain alright.
The Edge or Something
When Charles Bukowski was asked how he got through life? He said, “ One candy bar at a time…” Buk funny in a dark way, a horrific humorist, the wino spinning out modern Twainisms .
Henry almost awake, slumped in his chair. At Wah Wah Coffee Shop early enough to get a good chair and to be left alone.
The world is full of everything you can imagine and Henry wanted none of it, he had enough, he didn’t need anymore—
Aside: Henry often pricked himself with a needle to provoke feeling.
There was nothing new under the sun— There was technological innovation to boot— A new robot, a new gun, a robot with a gun, flying monkey robots with guns that carry computers— Onward and out, then forward until they crash. All the rarified metal and plastic junk ending up in a non degradable dusty-dung heap.
Two more paragraphs lets keep it cool. When it came to his stories Henry a whore who couldn’t give it away. He would do anything for attention, it was shameful.
Burnt out, wanting to end it here, wanting to get to the essence of it quickly, so here it is the ultimate lazy man's ending, a quote.
“THE EDGE, there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.”
Hunter S. Thompson