My latest stories are written about happenings and LSD trips, special times at home, edibles, fucking, and paradise. I love the airflow coming from a fan massaging my body, I love cool air.
Jimmy's smile radiates into American living rooms on TV during the 50s, every evening at 8. Durante was old school, he came up the hard way.
Most people by the age of 15 have got a million of em, jokes, stories, good and bad.
My work is a mix of fiction and nonfiction?
Googling fiction and nonfiction writing, I notice science is nonfiction, I don't know any scientists.
I write every day, hour after hour, it's amusing and gives me something to do. It's better than fucking.
I rarely screw anymore, It doesn't interest me. I try though, jacking off my limp cock, never, ever, cuming. I'm a sexual cripple.
Prophets of world religion, pastors, preachers, rabbis, imāms— does prayer work? It's anybody's guess.
I see the Promise land up yonder, window pei-king, (peeking), {peaking}, my sexy next-door neighbor is undressing with her blinds up. I watch her with binoculars from my bedroom window.
I pity Hitler, Ted Bundy, the Night Stalker, Idi Amin, Stalin Gaddafi, Gaddafi funny but deadly, the monocrats and narcissists, who for eternity will have to battle their demons.
On a Hot Independence Day in Chicago, it feels like hell, Gang A, is at war with Gang B, and Gang C. There are a million guns in the city, so people are going to get shot, period.
I'm running from life, it's fierce, fast, it’s bigger than me.
The boss is on holiday.
In a dream I was flat on a pile of Bastard Teak, near the Ganges, a green monkey with rotten teeth grins at me and sets me on fire, I knew then that burning alive is the worst way to go.
I write stories high, on edibles, in the express lane, always hot, 1600 kilometers northwest of the Equator, in my bedroom sitting up in bed.
Dandelion pappus, floating through the high altitude ether, light as a feather, propelled by air.
Angels rollicking in the Promise Land, high-speed windsurfing, doing what they can for anthropoids.
Muddy Waters, and Johnny Winters, recorded Cross-Cut-Saw,
they're as good as the Rolling Stones.
Honky Tonk Women, composed by, Jagger/Richards is eternal like Chopin.
I have been a Stones fan most of my life, I’m no VIP, I know of them, but they don’t know me. It’s their loss.
William F. Burroughs recitatating at a Yale reading, dirty poems from his book, Tonguing Queer Sphincters & Other Love Songs.
I know nothing about programming.
Egg heads type out code,
10 INPUT "How many numbers to average?", A
20 FOR I = 1 TO A
30 INPUT "Enter number:", B
40 LET C = C + B
60 LET D = C/A
70 PRINT "The average is", D
80 END
Binary Code,
Electrified Radio Waves travel at 300,000,000 meters per second, so kids can chat on Instagram, or a team of Russian hackers can crack into Pentagon computers.
AI systems ingesting large amounts of labeled training data, analyzing the data for correlations and patterns. At some point, AI will do all the calculating, analyzing, factory work, and philosophizing for man. AI robots removing gallbladders, writing term papers.
AI is useful, hopefully he will behave.
We live in Gotham City and watch each other on TV, culture is a mirror, and performance art is a slow-motion circus, the artists can't dance, but they dance anyway. Their gestures are mind-numbing, their freakishness draws you in.
It's a thrill watching a lady artist squat naked, lodging sweet potatoes up her well-lubed anus.
Joseph Beuys was a Stutka pilot during WW2. From the 50s to the 80s, he was a premier performance artist in New York City.
Beuys’s work often incorporated elements of mythology, ritual, and symbolism. He's known for his use of unconventional materials such as fat, felt, and honey. He was a key figure in the development of conceptual and performance art. mt
The earth is a peanut in the stratosphere, it’s insignificant, a target for meteors with the power to belt it out of its rotation. It would be the end for everyone, there’s no dystopia, no Elysian fields to escape to.
Humans are blessed with a long-drawn-out-soul, it soars when you die, floating to the Heavens, I don't know where it goes.
Ask an Oxford Don,
aah sir, does what we know and what we don't know contrast?
The grumpy Don answers,
I have no fucking idea kido, philosophy's for wankers, as a field it's useless.
It's uncool to be an atheist, I'm an atheist, we believe when the body shuts down the long-drawn-out-soul de-electrifies. Then you're buried or cremated.
People everywhere collect angels, idols, gods, the Blood of the Lamb of God, the thin rice wafer, the gulp of watered-down wine— recitations over the Torah.
If I had to rate the world religions from 1 to 50, Islam would be, 27. The word of the Al-Quran is hair-raising, frightful text.
The life of this world is merely enjoyment of delusion. Al-Ouran 3185
Enjoyment is always a positive outlet.
Be tolerant and command what is right, pay no attention to foolish people. Al-Quran 7:199
Fools make the world go around, people like Seinfeld, I have lived a long life without viewing a single episode of Seinfeld.
Names like Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Sirajuddin Haqqani, or Ibrahim al-Asiri, put people off. The majority of the world doesn't want Jehad, world war, regional, and bushfire warfare. War is the castration of the 21st Century.
I'm half in the bag, true story, no not that, I'm nuts.
My pen name is Figaro Lucowski on this blog and on Twitter. It's of little importance.
The Boss is On Holiday is dedicated to William F. Buckley Jr, who never lost a debate, because he's a human thesaurus.