
Cantinflas, the Genderqueer, & Jesus

Somewhere between Abilene and El Paso, goin Southwest in my 73 Polaris wagon, I exit at a speck on the map, Salt Flat City, parkin at a Tex Mex joint, Pedro’s Cafe. 

Inside, I sit at the counter, looking over the menu.

The waitress is genderqueer with a florescent Cleopatra wig on, saying to me, 

howdy handsome, do you like Tex-Mex food? Honey, and if you all is game, I give the best head in Texas.

No thanks, sweetie, I'm impotent, I'll have el especial, keep the coffee common, cariña.

In due course, I'm served by Miss Brittany CoxXx, ha ah; chicken quesadillas, cheesy baked burritos, tamales, Tex-Mex  with native aroma, delicioso.

By 9PM, I'm on my way to the El Paso border crossing, it’s closed, I do a U-turn and drive to Gala National Forest, parkin, grabbin my sleeping bag, finding a bushy area, laying it on a bed of pine; on my back lookin up at the sky, tunin into the Earth Mother and da stars above; 

Like a Cowboy in the Boat of Ra.

That morning at 6AM, I pack up the wagon sucking down 3 Red Bulls like there's no tomorrow, hyper-buzzed, drivin' to the El Paso border crossing, stoppin my car at the checkpoint, showing the Mexican agent, who resembles Cantinflas, my passport, and car insurance, he's indifferent, smirking and sayin,  

Don't get the clap, Gringo.


Going south to Torreón, Mexico, is 7 hours from El Paso, halfway to Mexico City. , rockin' to Ranchera and Mariachi music on the radio. 

At Chihuahua, I pull into a liquor store, buying 2 pints of mescal, a Zippo lighter, and ultra-thin rolling papers.

Driving out of town on Avenida Bolívar I see a Black cowboy standing on the sidewalk, pimpin' somethin, maybe himself, I ask,  

you got any weed, man?

Sure gringo, I got quarter ounces of Diesel Gold for 1000 pesos, 

let me smell some, 

he opens a Ziploc bag, and I take a whiff; the shit’s pungent, so I hand over a 1000 Peso note. Driving into an alley I roll a few.

Driving 45 Southeast, I light a joint, alternating tokes with swigs of mescal, turning up the radio; the Mariachi this time, it's archetypal, it's Mexican folklore the band sings, 

Clap it, clap it, make it loud

Strike it, strike it, with your proud

Broken heart just made me strong

The music won't let me down

C'mon, c'mon, clap it now

Move it, move it, till you drown

Rise your head with the liberation

I won't let you down

By dark I can see the lights of  Zacatecas on the horizon, weary I turn into Parque Nacional Sierra de Órganos; no one is there, not even a watchman.

I lay a sleeping bag on the rooftop of the wagon, counting stars and fading out.

Up early,  I drive into Santana Ciudad buyin half a dozen bolillo

I'm no linguistic and Mexican might as well be Swahili 

In 3 hours, I’m in Mexico City, passing grimy brick buildings, exhaling soul shadows that shake me to the bone. 

In the comunity of Tepetos, a dicey area, I notice a rusted neon sign at the end of an alley, El Last Exit.

I park on Calle Juarez and walk to it, inside I see a big gal in a metal cage, who asks,

do you want a woman gringo? 

Señora, I want to book monthly,

esta bien señor, 2000 pesos and a 500 peso deposit. 

I walk to room 107, unlocking the door. There's a made-up double bed, a hot plate, and a cold-water WC. It's not a good room, it's akin to the dumps young Bukowski lived in. 

Horny to get a taste of the city, I quickly ditch the room.

Outside it smells like a septic tank, I duck into Rico's Cantina. It's dark inside, smelling like stale beer. The hard-drinkin' Mexicans eyeball me, el camarero comes close face to face, his breath is awful, I order, 

let see now, I'd like a shot of top shelf Tequila and a Corona Extra, 

The greaser grabs a machete from under the bar, slamming it on the counter like Noriega like Noriega or Pablo EEscobar 

I belt out;

fuck you, greaser,

running to the safty of  Saint Christofer's Church, buying a red rose from a lady dressed in black; a thorn pricks my finger, and it drips blood. 

Catching my breath, I kneel in the 2nd pew, looking over the crucifix on the sanctuary wall. 

I see Jesus and his face is in motion, it's the color of  Silly Putty, He moves his lips, speaking;

Henry, is there something you want to tell confess? 

May I share a story, 

yes, my son, 

I met a Gypsy kid on a bus goin from Greece to Albania, and he told me a story;

Romani Folklore has it that when You were crucified, a Gypsy stole the holy nails from Your wooden cross, and You were so grateful You told him in the future the Romani people could loot and plunder sin free, Jesus says, 

Yes, son, it’s a faithful tale.

He looks at me earnestly saying, 

Henry, in the coming months human beings will be raised, entering the Kingdom of God, Eternal life, are you ready to skyrocket into the Heavens my son? 

Yes, ah Jesus, it sounds, well, breathtaking, but I'll miss mescal, tamales, and pussy.

Without warning, I wake up in the 2nd pew, feelin horny and wantin a drink. 

I never had another religious experience, which was fine by me.

Back at La Exit, I ask the mamasan to send a woman, fresh orange juice, ice, and a bottle of tequila to my room.

After partying through the night, things felt right again


Da Bum's Final Exit, (a poem)

Prostrate on a rusty port 

& piss-defiled  mattress 

At the Suicide Hotel

A bum in the land of 

Nod as a prurient rat

Grazes on his calf &

Gore & pus plops, plops &

Seeps downward into a

Ochre pool of blood to

Sullen ceramic squares 

Oozing a nasty redolence

& by & by da bum goes the

Way of all ghostly flesh as

His ticker’s nipped in the bud

Da bum’s innermost self bee-

Lines to da abode of da dead 

& da Gods deem him debauched.  

In the Divine Comedy Dante describes Hell as an inverted cone descending into 9 shrinking fdarings; finally reaching the flaming corp of the earth. 

The nine circles of hell in Dante's Inferno are Limbo, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Anger, Heresy, Violence, Fraud, and Treachery. Each circle serves as a punishment and a reflection of the grave sins people committed during their time on earth.

Hence, the bum drowns over and over again in an ocean of whiskey. Purged, the bum's soul dehydrates into desert dust, goin nowhere, way gone man.


Yeats, Angels, The Stones, n Astro Traveling

I’m alone in bed looking at the ceiling, life is glorious, straight no chaser, goin downhill fast, burnin up, like havin an orgasm flyin at a million miles per hour.

My work is sui generis, feral, and full of beans.

Writing in first person isn’t easy because everything in you wants to tell a story.

Some time back I wrote a bit; Writing in First-Person Confessional, a story about Dorothy Parker, you know, 

Razors pain you,

Rivers are damp,

Acids stain you,

And drugs cause cramps.

Guns aren’t lawful,

Nooses give,

Gas smells awful.

You might as well live.

My read on this famous quote is that Dorthy was down, shaking it off using her mind-blowing wit.

I’m gonna strip bare ass naked for you; I’m a tetrapodomorph fish in the sea living at zero gravity buoyed by water.

Deep 6’d and afloat. 

Sluts hound me at Soi Cowboy, selling blow jobs,  nymphos begging for shots, you know I always give in, asking,

who’s gonna suck my cock?

Anyway, I”m scared shitless** aren't you? 

Posted on Twitter a few minutes ago with an Angel selfie. 

I love Angels;

when angels fly free so will we. 

When I think of Angels I think of Yeats. He knew Angels more than most,

Come Fairies, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame!

Going to Heaven is easy for most. 

Those with good hearts are guaranteed a spot in the After Life. When they are ready, their souls ride a moonbeam to Heaven. 

Scoundrels like Stalin, Saddam Hussien, Pol Pat, Mao Zedong, Gaddafi, The Iceman, Hitler, any of em; don’t go to Heaven. By contrast, their souls evaporate into grains of sand lost in the celestial desert.

Onwards, I couldn't guesstimate how the Rolling Stones do what they do. But I feel the Gods play through them, they invented gunpowder, control the weather and the CIA; their tours are circus-like, goin from town to town, rows of semis, pulling the band's gear from the airport to the stadium while the guys in the band sleep in a suite at a ritzy hotel.

I know fuck all about the Stones, the CIA, or the weather for that matter. I’ve lived in Thailand for 20 years and don’t get the Weather Channel, I’ve never read a spy novel, a Fredrick Forsythe, or a John Le Carre, having no interest in the genre, you'd have to drag me over the coals to read the stuff.

I’ve never met a Rolling Stone, but I met Muddy Waters more than a few times in Chicago blues clubs; he always had a pretty girl on each side while sitting at a table sipping champagne, taking breaks to go to the alley, and blow weed. Man, nobody fucked with him because he was da Buddha.  

The only thing I know about the Stones is what I see on TV or computer. 

One thing's sure, Jagger/Richards are prolific composers as were and are, Ray Charles, Muddy Waters, Elton John, Miles Davis, Frank Sinatra, and Harry Nilsson.  

Elsewhere, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet ambiance is Astro-traveling through the universe on light beams at 5000 MPH looking like sparks spewed from Roman Candles.

More about me:

Well, I’m a sensitive person, but I've only cried once in my life when my old man Victor Lucowski kicked it, knocked out dead by dick cancer.

I’m overly sensitive to criticism, and nasty looks. 

Those who dare give me the evil eye will be reincarnated as a cucarachas in the next life.

I can’t handle being bullied, I shrink at the thought of fighting back, thus, internalizing my angst for days on end, until I feel safe to come out of my hole.

Thus surfacing I sharpen my antennae, walking forward and wavering slightly from side to side.