Henry needed music to write, he liked all kinds of music, mostly blues and rock. Bukowski would write into the night listening to Brahms and Mahler, Buk fueled by drinks.
Hunter S. Thompson would wake up at 3 PM in the afternoon and start the day with a screwdriver, a Dunhill cigarette, then snort some cocaine, then another cigarette, blaring loud music, rock & jazz from an oversize set of Bose speakers, assorted music, whatever moved him— Miles Davis's album, Sketches of Spain, The Rolling Stone's album, Let it Bleed or the Brewer and Shiply's song, One Toke Over the Line. Typing away on an IBM electric typewriter, he had busted out a long time ago, breaking new ground as he went along.
Henry had his own style, he didn’t write like anyone else. The books he saw on Twitter were unreadable to him, romance novels, spy books, mysteries and the like.
The joy of writing for him was reading his own work. He figured truly bonafide writing ended sometime in the seventies, there weren’t any— Raymond Carvers, Phillip Exeters, Charles Bukowskis, Jack Kerouacs or Hunter S. Thompsons out there anymore.
It was the same reason, and only the Gods know the why or how of it, that today's culture wasn’t producing any Jesuss, Abraham Lincolns or Gandhis—maybe it was a gradual and insidious dumbing-down of culture from the seventies to the present.
Henry would stay wasted and keep writing, he would write drunk and edit sober. Editing sober on rare occasions only, when the liquor store was closed or wouldn’t deliver.
Maybe the Gods had a plan for the world— They would send Jesus, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln(and Elvis too) back when they were good and fucking ready. Face it, it was something that had to be left in Their hands, Man never got the shit that needed to be done right anyway, Man always fucking up in this way or that, even though the Gods put everything Man needed right in the freaking bread basket.
And so it goes, Henry looking for a quote that summed it up, the stuff of the Gods, the stuff of Man, the disappearance of real and original in the Twenty-First Century. But, there weren’t any quotes out there that nailed it down—one thing for sure, if the Gods knew they weren’t telling and Man didn't have a fucking clue.
Enough of the sh—iittt, anyway
Going forward—
It was one of those days, a spring day in New York City, a day when people of all kinds were brazenly falling in love all over the place. A day to smoke dope on a quilted blanket, have a picnic and get wasted in Central Park—a drop-dead gorgeous and beauteous day, a day for anybody who tuned in and turned up the volume some.
Henry writing in his Queens apartment with the windows open, the fresh spring air electrifying, tantalizing his senses.
Sitting in front of an open window, looking out at nothing, waiting for the evening to go out into IT, wanting to meet IT head on. IT, the stuff the Gods were broadcasting in the sky, the love musk seeping through the clouds into the springtime air.
Finally out the door at 8 PM, thinking of Hunter S. Thompson saying—breakfast is the only meal of the day, he walks to the Lucy's Cafe in the Bowery for some cheap eats. He orders eggs, toast, fried grits with fake maple syrup, kosher hot dogs, and spam. He washes the fair down with some brewed coffee and cream mixed with whiskey, all in all, great stuff.
After eating Henry goes to Times Square lookin for cheap thrills, love out for Henry tonight, he didn’t feel wired for it regardless of what the Gods were seeding the clouds with.
Henry pays 9 dollars at the ticket booth of the last burlesque club in Times Square, a place called The Strand Arts Theater. It was a theater setting without a live band, the music was chosen by the strippers, piped in by the same guy who did the lights.
Henry sits in the back row, the place was well, musty and mildewed, wet somehow, the painted cement floor seemed sticky.
He breaks out a flask filled Jack Daniels and takes a few hefty gulps, then snorting some cocaine from a small bottle with a spoon, retro style —up for the show as they say.
The first act was a gal who called herself Ivy Madison, a tall blond who wore her hair Marilyn Monroe style, she had oversized tits and nice legs, she wore a red outfit with easy open and close seams and fishnet stockings. She stripped to an album by the Tijuana Brass and some music from a Spaghetti Western, the music added drama.
The shoes were the first to go, kicked backstage somewhere, the dress taken off in parts, and finally the gee string and nipples covered with pasties. As she exits the stage she tosses a key into to the audience of a few and Henry catches it.
He felt like the bridesmaid who catches the bridal bouquet, attached to key was a note written with a felt pen, come backstage to room 6.
The next act starts, a gal called Gypsy Daniels does a pole dance to Motley Crue. Henry walks backstage to room 6 and knocks on the unpainted metal door. Ivy opens the door, she is dressed already and says,
Let’s get outta here and go have a drink,
Henry says sure doll,
the two walk out the alley exit of The Strand Arts Theater.
They go to a joint called Rudy’s not far from the Strand Arts. Ivy orders a Seven and Seven and Henry a double Jack and soda. As they begin to talk he can tell that Ivy is educated and bright, he asked her,
why are you stripping? She says,
oh, it’s a long story baby, but after a bad marriage I was left in debt big time, I had to take the first job I could find and it happened to be at The Strand Arts, the pay is good and it’s easy. When I’m on stage it’s a turn on, my nipples get hard because I know guys are looking at me, horny for me, I don’t really focus much on the audience but we have a full house on the weekends and at the end of the month when guys get paid.
After talking over a few drinks, Henry realizes that he likes Ivy, and says to her,
whatcha say we get a room and shack up for the night baby, she says,
Henry, that would do me just fine doll.
They get a room at a place called the Park Nightly Hotel not far from Rudy’s Bar, you could pay by the hour.
In the room, Ivy says to him,
I’m not a hooker Henry I like you, and he says,
I like you too baby, and maybe this can be a regular thing with us, not just a shack up for the night.
Ivy takes off her black jeans and unzips her knee high fake snakeskin boots, not stripping really, Henry strips down as well to his boxer shorts.
They lay in bed half-naked and talk for a while snorting cocaine and drinking Jack Daniels from a bottle, feeling warm, then Henry kisses Ivy on the lips, a deep nasty wet kiss, they ball for a while, it was semi-hot sex.
Later, Ivy hands Henry a paper with her phone number on it and says,
I gotta get some rest baby, let’s hook up in a few days and hang out, he agrees saying
Ok, babe, I’d like that.
Henry takes a taxi back to Queens, feeling drained, the next day he goes through his pants pockets and notices he has lost Ivy’s number.
That night he is back in the audience at the Strand Arts Theater, when Ivy comes on stage she looks at Henry and waves.
Maybe the God's had spritzed Henry and Ivy with some of that love musk, who knows?
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