
I’m a Louse, a Schnuck, & a Loser


I feel like a dog with no home, depressed. I thought I had whipped it months ago, but the shit has come back for another round. 

If the black hole is back, I’ll take the goddamn meds, it’s no big deal. 

Psychotropic drugs have vastly improved over the years. 


In the nineties when you ate psycho dope it stirred through your body to your head leaving you with a dull ache similar to drinking qauuanties of non d-distilled vanilla. 

Blue or not, I spend 80 percent of my time in bed writing and editing my stories.

Jack Nicholson feels at home in the bedroom of his mansion on Mullholand Drive, lying on one side of the bed all the time, creating what he calls, 

the dent. 

You can measure and cut a piece of plywood and place it under your mattress.  

I'm going to write a story on the party scene at Nicholson’s house on Mulholland Drive, a street that was in Polanski's Chinatown

It was party central in Beverly Hills, there were loads of good times and a few bad.

In defense of what happened to  Roman Polanski at Jack's house in the swimming pool the usual alibi applies,

Judge, she didn't look at day under 22.

At 15 Roman was savaged by the Nazi SS, and used as cannon fodder, holding apples on sticks which the Nazis shoot at for target practice.

One sunny afternoon at Nicholson’s house, Polanski was doing a photo shoot of a model, age wasn't discussed.

Everybody in the world knows what happened next— the spook incapacitated the pretty baby with champagne and a Quaalude, screwing her in the swimming pool.

Polanski shows up for arraignment in the morning then flees to Paris that night knowing France won't extradite him. 

 2011 Mulholland Drive has a hoodoo curse on it.  

Nicholson doesn't live there anymore, he sold it. 

 On X many writers claim to be award-winning. 

There are lots and lots of awards out there, thousands. But in the end, if you are talented and lucky you're be a star. 

A star has to develop a look, act, wrighting music or scripts. 


That's fucked.

Do you think the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will give someone an award who doesn’t know the difference between an African mosquito and a Tsetse fly?  

If there was an award for mad as March, that'd be mine.

I’m a louse, a schnuck, and a loser— living on bones, nervously waiting for payday, eating sardine and bologna sandwiches with mustard on white bread.

Stan Getz is clean-cut like Bing Crosby or Cantinflas. You'd wouldn't guess Getz was a junky.

Twelve years ago I wrote, I Gotta Feed My Man, a story about Art Pepper.  

Laurie Pepper was the only person on the West Coast jazz scene who wasn't put off by Art's complexity and addiction.

They were soulmates, she saved his life, got him off of junk, and organized his life.

Straight Life, Art's amazing book on his life would have never been published without Laurie.

As a rule, people who kick junk love the freedom it gives them. In Art’s case, he said,

hey, I’ve never played better and I don’t have tracks on my arms anymore.  

My junk is Thai beer with ice. That’s how they drink it here. I drink two every evening. 

As for weed, it’s overrated — it makes you stupid.

I usta read loaded, reading the same page over and over.

Ganja is like Sage, a healer, both help folks through things. 

I edit stoned, straight, or drunk, I don't go by the Hemingway rule.

Late the other night, I partially deleted my seventeen-year-old blog I reckoned my work was stupid, I was shaking all over, ashamed;urgently needed a valium. 

In Thailand, a few pharmacies sell the relaxatives for less than twenty Baht apiece, but they are few and far between so you have to fish them out. 

Anyway, I can score valium or Xanax in Pattaya in a flash from a certain pharmacy near the beach.

Scoring Xanax in Thailand doesn’t compare to William Burroughs's junky lifestyle in Mexico City during the early fifties— day after day hustling to score Dilaudid to cook and shoot up.  Dilaudid is five times more potent than most street heroin.  

Old Bill Lee and his junky pal Bill Gains, worked every imaginable angle— forging scripts, paying Mexican doctors for scripts, or occasionally finding pharmacists who sold Dilaudid under the counter. 

Burroughs tried to kick a number of times, succeeding occasionally, cross addicting to booze. The downside was he drank a 1/5 of gin a day and couldn't handle it— he was a wretched and mean drunk. 

Towards the end of his life, William lived with his secretary James Grauerholz in a typical ranch-style house, isolated in the bush outside of Lawrence, Kansas— drinking scotch and poking syringes of methadone in what fatty tissue he had left on his cadaverous body.    

Old Bill Lee lived in the same house for seventeen years, dying of a heart attack at a Lawrence Hospital in 1997 at eighty-three.  

His death put an end to a lifetime of carrying 300 pounds of remorse around after killing his platonic wife Joan Vollmer during a drunken game of William Tell, missing the cocktail glass on her head, and shooting her in the forehead. 

In 1951 after serving thirteen days in a Mexico City jail, his family bribed the Mexican judges, freeing him from the joint, so he fled the country.

I live in Thailand to make ends meet, and none of my acquaintances here understand or read my work. 

Yesterday a pal, who’s no literato, told me my stories are crazy. 

I suppose they are, but here's an excerpt from Ducks Flying Backwards by Tom Robbins that he'd think is crazy too.

Should readers desire to make their own pilgrimage to the Canyon of the Vaginas—and it is, after all, one of the few holy places left in America—they’ll have to find it by themselves. Were one to inquire of its whereabouts at a bar or gas station (in west-central Nevada they’re often one and the same, complete with slot machines), the best that one could hope for is that a dude would wink and aim one at the pink gates of Bobbie’s Cottontail Ranch, or whatever the nearest brothel might be called.

Anyway, what the fuck? Whatever people think is— A BIG NOTHING at a time when the worldwide balance of power is on thin ice, and we're a heartbeat away from a war somewhere in the world employing light nuclear weapons between the Western alliance, and you name it— China, Russia, North Korea, or Iran.

Not to mention the precarious positions of the global economy, as well as, the mega-mounds of non-degradable plastics in garbage dumps and the ocean seriously plaguing all life forms.

The Martians, planted the seed for life on planet earth millions of years ago, giving us an organic vehicle to call our own — but we need a new car, and there are no planets in the universe for sale. 

If we collectively think positively, evil will evaporate. 

Tony Robbins doesn't like being called a guru, but, I agree with him when he says, thinking positive isn’t enough to change ourselves and the world around us. 

And may I add, at this point, taking action might not be enough, WE NEED A NEW PLANET AND THERE ARE NONE FOR SALE. 

Listening to Pharoh Sander's Journey to One— I realized when the planet is cracking at the seams,

paradise lives in your mind and soul, it's there for you.

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