Hemingway couldn’t get a handle on bohemianism. He didn't fit in with Stien, Elliot, Pound, and the others.
He went his own way, bonded to write the truth.
His work is too grave, and humorless.
His self-created image and illness killed him in the end, he couldn't do it anymore, and he fished too much in the sun getting skin cancer. All the bloody hooked-in-the-mouth fish he caught get revenge.
As usual, bohemians have the best time, from TS Elliot to modern rockers, jazz musicians, artists.
People don’t give a shit about Hemingway anymore, he was a hard ass who could write.
He invented a style as did Hunter S. Thompson.
Yeah, It’s a big deal.
I just write what I write, my style isn't great, but it's mine, it sucks.
Every addicted writer’s wish is to invent a writing style like the wunderkinder of English literature.
Everyone has their favorites, as a writer you are told to read, read, read all the time, but I’d rather write. I push the cart before the burro.
Fun is the best part of life.
Fun ends when you get seriously ill or go broke.
Going broke is an awful position to be in, you see who your real friends are.
It's hard to live with, being homeless, living in a shelter, or with friends.
There are alternative ways to deal with death.
As Timothy Leary was dying he dosed, narrating and recording the adventure. Aldous Huxley and his wife Nyios Nyn did something similar, dosing on the way out.
Eat gummy bears on the way out or mescaline. Hospitals should have it available.
Hospices should offer mescaline, cocaine as well as ganja, or booze.
Drugs are the only way I know to pull it (death) off.
The average person doesn’t seem hung up about death, it seems surreal, you don’t think much about it. It's best.
Dying a drawn-out hospital death is brutal.
God created life and death, what for?
Is collective humanity racing towards something?
I believe something radical could happen that takes on a new form, a divine magic bullet.
Give it 100 years or 5 years. I would like to see it.
God or Martians, could pull it off.
Martians are afraid of us though, it's like the 60s film The Day the Martians Invaded Earth, they came in peace only to be shot at by a tank.
How can we create Martian-friendly conditions? They don’t trust us.
Why keep the Martian information secret, allowing a few whitebread FBI types to do the research, examining films of discs flying way past the speed of sound, able to turn on a dime.
There should be an academic department at MIT to investigate ways to be Martians freindly and reach out, the research should be taken out of the hands of the government.
While the Martians are doing whatever they do most of us are struggling to get by, having to work or hustle somehow.
Innovations present the illusion of progress, computers are good and bad. Used by the military and online criminals, hackers, dark net, and scammers robbing and spying on computer users.
Porn is popular on the internet, it’s a bad influence on many, but sex is a big deal with many internet users. It doesn’t interest me, porn pigs making a living paying partakers, taking advantage of them.
What the fuck is the internet about? You tell me.
It should be about getting the truth out, something that the media doesn't do on both sides, the left and the right are only interested in having their own politics heard.
I watch the news and commentators seem frozen, repeating whatever is written to broadcast.
Is someone in control?
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