
The Blob, re-HaSheD,


Mayday was Monday this year, on May 1 as usual, Henry and Lucia are sitting in the kitchen talking and she mentions May Day,

quierdo, May Day was a big holiday in Cuba, we loved it because we were off for a couple of days, it was for us a day to honor workers everywhere. As you know it's not a big deal in the US, but there's a massive celebration in Cuba, Fidel would pack them into the stadium, he had great charisma. 

Did you know him, 

Yes, his chauffeur picked us up most nights, nightly, in fact, delivering sexy women to his house. 

Were you kidnapped by him? 

No, I was young and willing, going for the food, drinks, and the renewed social status one got knowing el Presidente of Cuba.

Did you fuck him? 

you bet I did, he was hung like a toro and had grandes bolos.

So, balling Fidel was a litmus test for you? 

I told you I have no regrets.

I guess none of us do, I was a whore at birth, from the time my mother breastfeed me. 


don't bust my gonads, hijo ta puta.

yeah OK, 

Henry the ovary talk is making me horny, I’m going to take a shower and play with my pussy, 

can I jump in? 

The couple showers, fucking standing up. 


It was a record-hot hot day in Harlem so they dress down, putting on running shorts, tank tops, and flip-flops.

Outside their Harlem apartment, they walk westward. Blinded by the sun, they reach into their pocket for their sunglasses, putting them on.

By noon the love couple is in lower Manhattan, sitting at the counter of Katz’ Deli, ordering lean corn beef sandwiches, coleslaw, cheese blintzes, and washing it down with vanilla soda.

Benny Katz, a well know Kosher restauranteur in the city says

the food and beverage industry loves cocaine? 

Gotta an eightball for me, Benny? 

Do I look like a metisin pusher Henry? OK, look closely at the desert kugel, you'll see an eightball in the serving pan.

The freaks walk Times Square, walking off their meal, going into alleyways, snorting a little less than an eightball off of shiny dumpster tops with a rolled-up dollar bill. 

In Times Square, looking up at the Ziegfeld's marquee, there’s an 8PM showing of the cult classic, The Blob with Steve Mc Queen. 

At the cash booth, Henry pays by credit card. They take baby steps to the front row where there’s plenty of legroom and the sound is booming. Henry asks his wife,   

did you see The Blob in Cuba? 

No, scenes of freedom aren't tolerated, Hollywood films rarely made it through Cubano censors. 

The couple’s full of anticipation as the opening score, Beware of The Blob by Burt Bacharach comes through the venue JBL speakers.  

In the opening scene a teenage kid named Steve, played by 28-year-old Steve Mc Queen, witnesses a meteor crash in a cornfield. When he goes to investigate, he finds an old man being consumed by what looks like a hand full of purple jam. Convinced the Blob is a ghoul, the kid runs to town to report the incident and of course, the sheriff thinks he’s crazy.

The flesh-eating and spinless Blob was brewed on mars, as it expands it swells up, consuming people whole. The film which in theory is terrifying comes off as goofy. Lucia laughs and says,

el show es estupido, not scary! Henry chuckles, handing Lucia a box of gummy bears, hoping they pacify her. 

The Blob expands, evolving into a semi-truck size ball of goo oozing into town, squeezing into the Colonial Theatre, and absorbing a few hapless movie-goers.

As The Blob seeps out of the theater, the young hero, Steve, sprays it down with a fire extinguisher and notices the CO 2 fumes cause the jelly-bellied Blob to recoil. 

Steve then convinces a mob of angry town folk to grab every available fire extinguisher in town and spray the bugger down, freezing it in place. 

Later, the Air Force shows and tows the big-size ball of man-eating so-to-be-frozen solid jelly to a transport plane, dropping it into an arctic wasteland somewhere up north. 

As the couple exits the Ziegfeld they walk threw a curtained complex and Henry asks,

whad ya think girlfriend? 

Hollywood, USA is the greatest place in the world.

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