
I Need a Bit, 10 Pages Maybe

Where were we? Henry and Lucia puff on the same cigarette, a Sherman, passing it back and forth and drinking pale cream sherry. 

Henry sits on the loveseat in the bedroom wearing a bra and panties, Lucia kneels towards him and mouths his cock till he cums in her mouth, then says,

your esperma taste like salt, and floury chlorine, bebe.

The phone rings, 

Its publisher Marvin Flick, 

I need a bit, 10 pages maybe, you choose,

Marvin, give me 24 hours, you’re gonna love it. 

Henry lights a pre-rolled, LSD droplet, 

puffing and looking at his computer until the words come. 

Page 2 The Official William Burroughs Tour,

There's a pair of figure skates hung on a nail in the 


As the reverend pees he looks at a kid next to him, who's pissing as well. Finished, they shake their cocks and pull their zippers up. The reverend asks,

do you like beer kid? 

In the refectory beer garden, they drink mungs of German Beer, and the loaded kid recites poetry,    

I was the shadow on the window pane.

I was the smudge and whine of missed times in the reflected sky.

The water under the lavender horizon’s polluted.

Your good kid, but what's in it for you? 

The kid says,

not a goddamn thang, Doc.

Don't use our Lord's name in vain, kid. 

In the film Drugstore Cowboy with Matt Dillion, a film about wannabe junkies and raw youth, William Burroughs plays Tom the Priest, notably saying,

Narcotics have been systematically scapegoated and demonized.

I predict in the near future right-wingers will use drug hysteria as a pretext to set up an international police apparatus.

I have nowhere else to go. There is no demand in the priesthood for elderly drug addicts.

Let's cast our minds back to the William's famous blackout shot.

On the night of September 6, 1951, William was in the living room of their bungalow with Joan, and their young kids, Billy, and Julie drinking mescal with Bill Sr.'s friend Pepe Riveraz, a lawyer.

William had a lifelong obsession with guns, there was a loaded Colt 45 on the coffee table in front of him. He considered himself a sharpshooter saying to Pepe,

I've become quite a competent shot over the years, Pepe!

Vollmer's long-time speed addiction had caused her to behave blank-mindedly and zombie-like. William tells her,

Joan, pick up a glass, walk 3 meters, and face me, put the glass on your head, and by all means keep still.

His friend Pepe didn’t take William’s actions seriously, thinking he was just playing, but Burroughs was no practical joker.

William picks up the Colt 45, aiming it at the glass balancing on Joan's head, enacting the famous archer's tale from the book William Tell.

The vibrations in the living room were odious. Sadly Joan Vollmer has a bored look on her face, showing no reaction. One can only guess what Joan was feeling and thinking at the time—  was she wondering if William was kidding? Was she loaded and unaware? Or did she have a death wish?

Tragically, he fires hitting her in the forehead and she drops dead on the spot.

Throughout the heart-rendering scene, Billing and Julie were playing on the living room floor. How much of the bloody scenario did 3-year-old Billy apprehend? Perhaps he felt a dark bolt of energy rush through the room and his body, then understanding, something bad just happened to his Mother.

William Burroughs escaped the hard-edged arm of justice because he was in Mexico and his friend Pepe Rivera arranged for him to pay the judges off. Billy and Julie were sent to live with Burrough's rich grandparents in Kansas City.

Burroughs moved to Lawrence, Kansas in 1981, encouraged by close friend, literary agent, and short-time lover James

They settled in a small bungalow located at 1927 Learnard Avenue. 

Just a couple years after their arrival, Grauerholz says of William, 

he became the genis loci, the prevailing spirit of the Lawrence, counter-culture.

Accounts of Burroughs’s time in Lawrence suggest he approached life there as a local, sharing his small home with 3 cats, maintaining a garden, and could often be seen walking with his cane to the local store. 

He even built an Organe box in the garden, a six-sided box constructed of alternating layers of organic materials to attract the energy and metallic materials and radiate the energy toward the center of the box. 

Patients would sit inside the accumulator and absorb orgone energy through their skin and lungs. The accumulator had a healthy effect on blood and body tissue by improving the flow of life energy and by releasing energy blocks.

So after reading about Orgone boxes, Henry and Lucia build one in the backyard and get in. After sitting for 40 minutes in the box they get out, showering with Henry, Lucia says,

Let's get back in the box, I was a few seconds shy of a major orgasmo.

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